Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Libertador (April 15th)

¡Hola Familia!

Guess what?  I´m back in Chillan!  It´s great here.  One of the really great things is that this house that we live in here is part of an apartment complex, and the gas is a CENTRAL LINE.  That means that we NEVER, EVER run out of gas (which is how we get our hot water, so you can see how it might be important...)!  It´s pretty awesome.  Something else awesome is that there is a cancha (or soccer field) just down the street from our house where we go running in the mornings.  It takes about five laps around the cancha to run a mile.  Much easier than the 40 laps it took to run a mile  out in the yard in San Javier or the 100 laps it took to run a mile in the living room and kitchen in Cordillera.  It´s a little weird just walking everywhere now, instead of riding a bike.  But my feet don´t hurt too much yet!

Probably the most awesome thing about Libertador is my companion, Hermana Moran.  She is from Ecuador, but she lived in Santiago for three years while her dad was a mission president there and then she studied at BYU for three years before coming on the mission.  Her English is really great, and we take turns reading aloud frpm the Book of Mormon in our respective languages during language study.  She is really special.  I don´t really feel like I am training her at all - rather that she is training me!  She is really sensitive to the Spirit and she has a lot of faith that the Lord will provide for us if we are obedient and hard-working.  And she is a really great example of exact obedience, I would never get away with breaking a rule even if I wanted to now that I have her for a companion, just because she is so dedicated to being exactly obedient.  And she loves to offer singing hymns to people as a way to get into houses, so that is something else that is pretty great.

We live with two other Hermanas who also work in the same ward as us, Hermana Miskin and Hermana Phelps.  Hermana Miskin is from southern California, "cerca de Mexico," and has been in the mission about a month longer than I have.  She has been in Libertador my whole mission - I met her my first P-Day out here in the field and since then she´s had four different companions.  Hermana Phelps just got here on Tuesday from the MTC.  She´s from Minnesota and graduated in graphic design from BYU-Idaho.  She makes me really remember my early days in the mission, as she had to learn Spanish in the MTC as well, only she had three weeks less to practice!  They are both awesome and living with them and sharing the ward with them is going to be great.

Anyway, the ward here is HUGE!  I have never seen so many people in a Chilean Sacrament Meeting before.  I haven´t yet had a chance to meet very many of the members, but it seems like the bishopbric is very dedicated to helping the mission work move forward in the ward, and they are very protective of the sisters.

Our zone has eight sisters, and our district has six!  Our poor district leader, it´s his first transfer as district leader and they gave him SIX hermanas!  But he is doing a very good job.  Hermana Miskin just got called to be the "leader" of the hermanas for our area, which means that she will be making arrangements to do mini-cambios for training purposes.  We are very excited about this because the elders get to do mini-cambios all the time and they say they always learn so much and have such great experiences and it has been a long time since the sisters have been able to do this, so we are really looking forward to the chance to learn from other missionaries.

Anyway, that is pretty much everything there is to know about my new sector!  In other news, my bike crash wounds have pretty much healed and I have yet to take pictures.  I am so disappointed in myself.  It was just such a spectacularly awesome crash and now how am I going to be able to remember it properly?  But it is healing, so don´t worry yourselves about that!

Also, this morning I finished reading the Book of Mormon!  Wahoo!!!!  It´s so great.  You should all read it.

Your commitment this week is a continuation of last week´s, because I am just so in awe of how amazing and how important the Book of Mormon is.  If last week you set a small goal to start reading, I encourage you to evaluate your progress and set another goal to do a little more.  If you didn´t start yet, START NOW!  If you didn´t meet your goal, try again.  I am serious about this.  It´s IMPORTANT!  READ THE BOOK OF MORMON EVERY DAY!

I love you all.  Have a great week!



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